COVID-19 Update 4.23.2020


I am writing to you in the wake of Governor Polis’s announcement on Monday April 20th that Gyms are to remain closed until further notice.  Currently that date is May 11th.  At such time he will provide additional information as to when and how gyms will be allowed to open.  As of now personal training and small CrossFit classes have been allowed to return to the Old Town Athletic Club on May 4th  (I’ll talk more about that at the end of this note)  We are working to try to get a variance on being lumped into the same category as the globo gyms like 24 Hour Fitness, Anytime Fitness, etc., but we have no idea if that will happen or not.

We have pared back any and all expenses we can for the time being such as rent/lease concessions, frozen utilities, cancelled services that are unnecessary during the closure, but even with everything reduced to bare minimum we still need your help if we are going to reopen our doors when we get the go ahead from the County Health Department.  We have received a small amount of PPP money, but if the closure continues into May we will have spent the PPP on payroll before we are even allowed to open back up.  The truth of the matter is that Old Town Athletic Club cannot and will not exist without your continued support.  So, we have to ask you to please continue to partner with us through this.  I would like to say for the month of May, but the truth is we have no idea how long this may continue.  For now, can we just ask for your partnership as long as you are financially able to do so?  The truth about locally owned businesses, is that they require local support.  Unlike nationwide companies who can draw on other sources of income.

We are doing everything we can to still provide value to your membership.  We have lent out all of our moveable equipment, we are posting daily workouts that can be done at home, we are paying group fitness instructors to post workouts to our YouTube channel.  Please follow our social media if you aren’t already.

This is an unfathomable time.  We don’t know what is ahead for anyone.  Kristin and I were just talking last night about how no business could have prepared for this.  Our savings plan for the gym has always assumed that we would be able to operate at least at a minimum level.  Everyone is in uncharted territory here.  Many of you have continued to support the gym through this time and we cannot say enough how thankful we are for you!

Now to the good news – personal training and CrossFit!  The Larimer County Health Department gave us the go ahead to open for personal training under strict precautions.  To this end, we are going to sell personal training packages to help as many people get in the gym, in as safe a way, as possible.  There will never be more than you plus 9 other people in the entire building.  Trainers will sanitize all equipment and spread out in the space to the greatest extent possible.  The County has mandated that no person drop into the gym and that every person in the gym is directed by a trainer or coach.  Training sessions will occur on Tuesday/Thursday/Sunday and very limited hours on Monday/Wednesday/Friday.

Training packages:

1 hour sessions

5 for $410

10 for $800

30 minute sessions

5 for $240

10 for $460

All members who have kept their memberships current will receive 20% off these package prices.  Email Josh at to get started.  Obviously there are is limited space available so reserve yours right away.

Likewise, the County Health Department has given us the go-ahead to conduct small CrossFit classes.  We will begin to facilitate these opportunities as well beginning May 4th.  Each workout will have 8 athletes and 1 coach with a designated workout space and equipment.  WOD times are Monday/Wednesday/Friday 5:15am, 6:30, 7:45, 9:15, Noon, 1:15, 4:15pm, 5:30pm.  If you would like to become a CrossFit member to enjoy greater access to the gym, I will credit your March and April gym membership payments to your May CrossFit membership.  These classes are by sign-up only, so again, limited availablity.  Reach out to Josh at if you’d like to make this switch.

We will let you know more as we know more.  Please reach out if you have questions, comments, or concerns.  Importantly, also reach out if you offer a service that we can promote to our larger membership base.  We want to help your business survive COVID-19 if we can.

Be well.

With the utmost gratitude,

Josh and Kristin Slattery