What is The Paleo Diet?

The Paleo Diet is a diet based on eating similar foods to what our Paleolithic, hunter-gatherer, ancestors ate, hence the Paleo Diet. Dr. Loren Cordain, Professor Emeritus, at Colorado State University started working on the Paleo Diet in the late 80’s after reading a few scientific articles evaluating the nutritional content of our ancestors diets. […]

What’s a SuperFood?

Nutrition, as with many things in our lives, tends to get sensationalized by the media and other outlets. We hear these nutritional buzzwords like superfoods, gluten-free, low-fat, low carb, antioxidant, and many others. Sorting out what each of them mean and how it should (or shouldn’t) change your daily life or dietary habits is a very difficult […]

Nutrition Basics

A really, really, really fast overview of Human Nutrition: There are two categories that encompass all food, and then there are many sub categories for each food. Below is a flow chart that will help show you where each of the “buzz words” you have often hear belong. This by all means is not a […]

What’s Sabotaging your Workout?

With 2019 quickly approaching midway our thoughts revert back to how are we doing on those 2019 Resolutions?  Did we accomplish them or were they lost in the shuffle of everyday life? Generally those goals include some aspect of fitness, losing weight, eating better, reducing stress, moving more, sitting less, etc.  Often we chalk up […]